Never Tire of Ice on Ice Beach
On a gray and rainy morning, we ventured out to find some Glacier Ice on Black Sand Beach of Jokulsarlon!
And my partner at On1 Software is having a sweepstakes, til the end of the month

Never Tire of Ice on Ice Beach
On a gray and rainy morning, we ventured out to find some Glacier Ice on Black Sand Beach of Jokulsarlon!
And my partner at On1 Software is having a sweepstakes, til the end of the month
It was fun watching the storm clear in the Fjords of Scoresby Sound, Greenland! In this area of the Fjord, many of these mountain peaks are 1000-2000m or roughly 3000-6000ft tall! I had seen images from Greenland and this area, but I never found any that accurately displayed the size and scope of these peaks. Sadly, my image above doesn’t do them justice either! This area is also a narrow channel and the mountains rise straight up on both sides. And to think that our boat of 20 people were the only humans with miles and miles(or km’s and km’s!)
Greenland unlike any place I’ve ever visited made me realize how big and amazing our Earth is!
Yes, we live in unsettled times but we also live in amazing times in that travel is possible to the far ends of the Earth.
The Donna Wood is owned and operated by the North Iceland Sailing Company. Iceland-Photo-Tours charters the Donna Wood for photo adventures in Scoresby Sound, Greenland! I had no idea we could climb to the top of the mast, but my son inquired about having a Peter Pan moment and our guide Egill made it happen. Below are a few captures of my Son making his way up!
I had no idea we could climb to the top of the mast, but my son inquired about having a Peter Pan moment and our guide Egill made it happen. Below are a few iPhone captures of my Son making his way up!
Don’t worry we were connected with a harness for safety. I was surprised my Son wanted to do it! He’s usually a bit wary about such adventures, but since he did it I had to go as well! I did swallow hard a few times as a few rungs of the rope ladder are broken. It was a great view from up there!
I had seen images from Hraunfossar and wanted to visit it, I just didn’t know where it was! On a recent Iceland visit, we hunted the location down and got to visit it on the way to Kirkjufell!
Usually, when you see a waterfall you also see a river or body of water above the falls. At Hraunfossar the water comes from springs below the basalt rock. It seemingly just appears!
I think the streams looks a bit like horsetails. Others think they look like tree trunks. Either way, Hraunfossar is a fun visit!
Also, if you’re looking to build your very website my preferred host NetWisp( is offering 25% off with the coupon code: TAKE25OFF
A late July rain arrived the same morning I did to the Jökulsárlón Black Sand – Ice Beach. I almost didn’t venture out in the rain. My first trip with my 11-year-old son and had to let him experience it!
I’ve been to this beach many times and only seen the sun once. Most of the time it’s cloudy and rainy. Clouds and rain don’t get in the way of the ability to capture fascinating images.
The image is a single capture processed in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CC as a color image. The black on the right-hand side is the color or the sand on the beach!
A larger version can be seen here.
I’ve also created a Gallery of my Summer 2016 Iceland and Greenland images
Also, if you’re looking to build your very website my preferred host NetWisp( is offering 25% off with the coupon code: TAKE25OFF
In my “How I made the Shot on iPhone Campaign” post, I discussed the idea of discovering something is possible.
Knowing something is possible is often where the idea ends.
Possibilities for financial freedom, finding a great work/life/family balance, traveling, and achieving world peace, often seem against the odds.
Knowing something is possible doesn’t mean it will become reality, but knowing the possibilities is a great first step!
The only limiting factor is that voice in your head that says “that’s not possible”!
Discover opportunities and go for it!
On my third trip to Iceland, I was finally able to visit the Snaefellsness peninsula! I had seen images of Kirkjufell, also known as Church Mountain but had never been able to get there! We finally made it on our latest trip, for sunset and also stayed overnight to catch a sunrise as well.
I enjoyed trying to capture the area in the different light. This location was our last about an hour after official sunrise.
Grateful for the opportunity and fantastic weather!
A larger version of this image can be viewed here:
It took me a few trips to get there; I’m glad I finally made it!
My images are hosted on Smugmug. SmugMug is offering a 15% subscription discount to my readers.
It’s still exciting to see images come in from around the world, so don’t hesitate to send in a photo if you happen to see the Ice Cave #shotoniphone ad anywhere in the world! I believe they will be up for a few more weeks, but don’t know how long for sure!
Thanks for looking and sharing in the excitement!
Crazy as it sounds, I didn’t submit my photo to Apple for inclusion in their campaign.
I took a picture on my iPhone 6S in January 2016 and posted it to my Instagram( account and added a few hashtags.
Two months later I get a mysterious email inquiring about one of my photos. I was then sent a Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) from Apple Inc. and the advertising agency.
Three months later I was notified that my image is in the 2016 “Colors” Shot on iPhone campaign and used around the world!
There is more to this story, though. In December 2015, I was in an Apple Store playing around with the iPad Pro with my son, and I noticed a large Shot on iPhone display in the store and wondered how Apple had found the photographer for the ad. A few web searches later I discovered that Apple and it’s Ad Agency scoured social media sites for iPhone photos.
Once I found out it was possible, I thought, why not me?
The rest is history!
It appears that the campaign is coming to a close, but there are still images coming in! If you happen to see the ad anywhere in the world snap a pic and send it on it! This post includes images from Philadelphia, NYC and many from Paris!
Found the Puffins in the West Fjords, Iceland, finally!
Having never been to the West Fjords, we decided to explore starting in Grundarfjörður, Iceland which is on Snæfellnes Peninsula and make our way to LÁTRABJARG in the West Fjords. There are two ways to get there in a car. One is driving the whole way, and the other is to take a ferry. On google maps and apple maps, the time listed was 4.5 hours via the ferry route. Which were roughly 2 hours in the car and 2.5 hours in the ferry boat the maps didn’t give us a good idea of how long it would take to drive, so we decided to drive and see the Fjords!
We rolled out of Grundarfjörður around 10 am and started following the map directions that would drive us around and ended up at the Ferry Station! That was a sign! Once we got on the correct road, everything was going well until the pavement ended!
In Iceland when you’re around Reykjavik, there are great roads with divided freeways with on ramps and off ramps and abundant roundabouts. As you leave the city, you end up on a very nice two lane road. As you get even further away, you can find yourself on 1.5 lane dirt roads or worse!
I checked the map on the phone and noticed that this gravel road was well over 30 KM!
Fast forward 5 hours later after a very scenic and often scary trip to the middle of the West Fjords, we stopped to figure out where we were and what we were going to do. We decided to see about taking the ferry back instead of driving and discovered that the last ferry across left a 7 pm. It was now 3 pm.
That’s 4 hours!
We were still 1.5 hours from the Puffins according to Google Maps! Google Maps also said it was roughly 93KM or 60 miles or so! 60 miles in 1.5 hours?
That’s doable, right? So with some simple math, we had a 3-hour drive there and back which left us 30 minutes or so to watch the Puffins! We decided to go with 30 minutes for wiggle room catching the ferry back.
Off we go to see the Puffins! The first 45 minutes were great except for the steep two-lane paved road up and down a mountain and then the pavement ended! The last 40KM were on a one lane gravel road. Up and down steep mountains, around fjords with the edge of the road dropping off hundreds of feet to the ocean below and a time crunch!
We reach LÁTRABJARG in 1 hour 35 minutes. Exactly the time that Google Maps said it would take! We park, jump out of the car and race up the hill to find the Puffins! The Puffins were a bit shy that day. We only found 5 of them, but this guy decided to wake from a slumber as we were racing back to the car for the same trip back in hopefully 1 hour and 35 minutes which would give us 20 minutes to make the ferry!
We made the Ferry!
All in all a fun adventure! Knowing what I know now, I would probably plan to spend two days in the West Fjords and not try to do it all in one day!
Mega Update due to being out of the country for a few weeks! Looks like they are moving some billboards around and keeping others in place! So this update has new locations that I’ve not been aware of.
From Aydamir Nehay in Russia! Comes this back cover of the Russian edition of National Geographic… I love this image!
Was sent this from Jason, the model in the Ice Cave image from the Washington DC subway!
While traveling I found this Entertainment Weekly Magazine in the Airport and grabbed a photo!
Courtney, a friend on FB found this bus stop ad in Cambridge, MA! Thanks Courtney!
Another friend Brad was vacation in Nantucket, MA and discovered the Entertainment Weekly there and had some fun! Thanks Brad!
Jerold from Facebook and friend from high school checked out the very large billboard installation in Dallas, TX! Thanks Jerold!
Long time friend Donna was traveling to Berlin and found these displays in the train station! These are awesome! Thanks Donna!
Becky from FB had a friend of hers send this one in from Dallas too! The trees really help show how large the building is! Thanks Becky!
Brian has been on the hunt this summer, he found 3 ads in London and now he’s found some bus stop ads in Philadelphia! Thanks Brian!