Sun That Never Sets

Summer in Greenland

The Sun That Never Sets

The first night on the Donna Wood was filled with the excitement of what was to come!

Earlier in the day at 10:00 am, we boarded an Air Greenland flight in Reykjavik bound for Constable Point, Greenland. Constable Point Greenland is on the east coast of Greenland near Scoresby Sound. It’s an airstrip with a dirt runway and no flushing toilet!

While at the airport waiting for our luggage(which came in a cart), we met a small group of Geologists from Cambridge University that were heading up to Germania for a month looking for shells embedded  in the rocks! In our brief discussion, we found out that the rocks in Greenland are about 60 million years old. The rocks in Iceland are only 4-5 million years old. The two landscapes are very different.

After a 10 minute walk across the dirt runway to the zodiacs, we were ferried to the Donna Wood to find our rooms for the next week! Shortly after we started out on our journey through Scoresby Sound.

As we were heading out, we got to an area of the bay in the sound that allowed us to see the sun on the horizon! It was exciting to have clear skies so we could see the sun head for the horizon and then wait for it to go below the horizon, only to see it never make it!

The sun got this low and then started to come back up!

I love the glow of the summer Arctic light over the sound as seen in this image!

You can view a larger image here

Update #6- Where’s the Ice Cave Shot on iPhone Photo!

Updates from Tokyo, London, and Chongqing China!

Fortunate that my Laboratory Technician(dental ceramist), has family in and around Tokyo and his brother in law was kind to head go find the Ice Cave billboard on top of the Fujita Mannendo building in downtown Tokyo, Japan! Thank you Etsuo!

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London Tube

I have two friends that are currently visiting London and happened to find the Ice Cave billboard in the London Tube! So far they have been found in the Monmument, Waterloo and Holborn Stations.  If visiting London and riding the Tube take a look and snap a pic! Thanks! Special thanks to Brian and LM for sending these pics! IMG_2405 13754621_1212227898840253_4417410335911963883_n IMG_2474 IMG_2473 IMG_2470

Here’s the mass of humanity at the Waterloo Station! IMG_2415

Chongqing China

One of my Nephews fraternity brother’s is living in Chongqing China this summer and was able to grab these photos from this massive billboard in China! He has feelers out for other sites in China, so I’m hopeful to see some photos from there too!

Thank you, Gabe and Bevon! This is awesome!


Update #5 – Shot on iPhone – Ice Cave

This weeks update includes Entertainment Weekly, Mexico City, Guadalajara, NYC and Chengdu City, China, and bonus pics from Dallas!

A friend from High School took a photo from her copy of the Comic Con Edition of Entertainment Weekly! How cool is that! thanks Corrine!


Finding the displays in Mexico City proved to be a bit challenging! But thanks to a friend that connected me with Iris in Mexico City, she was able to locate the Flower Stands on a rainy monday morning! The blues in this display are really cool! Thank you so much Iris!

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Another friend Rob connected me with his friend that has family in Guadalajara! They were kind enough to go find the huge billboard in the Ruben Dario neighborhood! Thanks Luz! 


A friend of Jason(the guy in the photo) found this in NYC! How cool is that!


Another friend of a friend was visiting Chengdu, China and sent these in! Chengdu is a huge city in in Sichuan provence.. There are 10 million people in the urban core and these boards are in the middle of it all! That’s crazy!

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Thanks to everyone that is on the hunt and please don’t stop sending them it! I love all the various angles and points of view..

My friend Chad sent these in from Dallas that he captured!

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Updated Shot on iPhone-Ice Cave Locations #4

Montreal, Hamburg, an Australian Magazine and more!

This weeks update is exciting!


The Montreal location was a bit challenging to find as my best guess was not correct at all, but my new friend and friend of a friend Nicole Best ( from Montreal tracked it down on a busy freeway. As she was getting the photo of the billboard, a Trooper pulled up behind her car and briefly questioned what was going on! Fortunately, after a brief discussion, let her finish and be on her way! Here’s the billboard from Montreal!

Montreal-Ice Cave

Thank you Nicole!


I have received a few smaller from the Hamburg station but I was aware that there was a large banner hanging in the station… A friend of my sisters from way back lives in Hamburg, Germany and was heading there to pick up a friend and was able to capture a few images of the banner! Thank you Sebastian! I love these images!

Hamburg-Ice Cave Hamburg- Ice Cave


My ad is also on the back cover of the Weekly Australian Magazine. This was sent to my by my friend from The Arcanum, Tanya Wallis(….. Thank you Tanya! I love this photo! Australian Magazine

Los Angeles

And a bonus few images from Los Angeles that are a little different than I’ve seen before! Thanks to Morgan for sending these in!

I love the first one with the cars in the intersection, gives a nice sense of scale!


I love this angle of the building with the palm tree there too! Love this!


San Francisco

Also have received a few more from Market St. and the Montgomery St BART station! Thanks to Nate and John for sending these in!

Montgomery St. Station IMG_6201


More to come! Still looking for locations in Russia, China, Istanbul and Mexico!

Shot on iPhone – Ice Cave – Update 3

Happy Independence Day in the USA! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!IMG_8097

Images continue to come in from all over the globe! Sinchon, Seoul, South Korea, a Russian Magazine, Shanghai, China, San Francisco and Toronto are included in this update!

The first update contained the list of all of the billboard locations can be found here. The Second update had initial locations like, Bangalore, India, NYC and LA.

This update begins in Korea!

Had some difficultly locating the specific building in the Sinchon district of Seoul, South Korea, but eventually it was found by a friend of mine that happened to be vacationing in Seoul this summer!

Here’s a video clip from Sinchon:(courtesy of Jerome Cha)

Here’s an iPhone capture of the billboard on top of the Fidelia Building in Sinchon, Seoul, South Korea:


Also received this tweet from Russia:

So keep and eye out for Magazine ads! Thanks!

A FB friend has a friend in Shanghai, China and they sent this image from Shanghai! Thank you so much Dot!


and fellow Apple World Gallery photographer:Anette Hg spotted these ads on Market St. San Francisco, CA!


Also got this from fellow  2016 Apple World Gallery Photographer Blair Francey – in Toronto,CA:


So keep an eye out for billboards and bus stops around the globe and if you’re able to grab a photo please send it my way! Thanks!

Wow! I’m not prepared to describe what having a photo of yours chosen for an ad campaign of this size feels like yet. Every photographer loves to see their work printed big but I had never imagined one of my images on the side buildings! I don’t have the words yet!

I have started to get a few billboard photos from LA, Hamburg and Bangalore, India that are in this post! So here goes and thanks for looking! The Dallas billboard was in my previous update!

(Note if you happen to see a photo of a billboard already take, please still send your photo I’d love to see every photo taken!)

Also, there are 25 billboards that I’m aware of, but apparently there are smaller installations all around the country that I’m not aware of, so I’d love to see those too! Like these images from the NYC Subway(courtesy of my good friend Stephen Shadrach, somebody get him an iPhone! 🙂 ) :


My good friend Bernie Villadiego D.D.S headed to LA and was able to capture the two LA locations. He took two quick videos and a few still shots!

Sunset and Vine

Here’s a few stills:

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Heres a video from from the Westwood and Pico Locations in Los Angeles, CA!

And here are a few stills that are amazing at night!

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A long time friend was taking her kids to the beach and snapped these photos during the day!

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I also got a few stills from a train station in Hamburg, DE. These are stunning with the backlit display!

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Lastly for today the best shot of this update is from Bangalore, India(thanks to fellow Shot on iPhone photographer Harsha PJ:


Shot on iPhone-Ice Cave!

Pretty cool to have this image picked for Apple’s Shot on iPhone campaign.

View from the insides of an Ice Cave!

View from the insides of an Ice Cave!

Here’s a Non-Cropped version, with a little different feel

Here’s a photo of the Dallas, TX billboard, on the side of building!

Photo Credit: Woody Huffines, Dallas, Tx

Photo Credit: Woody Huffines, Dallas, Tx


I’m having trouble locating the exact locations of each billboard, so if anyone can help me find where these are I’d appreciate it. I’d love to figure out how to get a photo from each location to celebrate! I will post images here on this post!

Here are a list of locations where the billboards are:

US – Dallas – 1200 Ross E/O Griffin
US – Los Angeles – Sunset + Vine
US – Los Angeles – Westwood + Pico
US – Minneapolis – 1st Ave. S/O 7th St. E/L

CA – Montreal – Decarie
CN – Chengdu – Chun XI Building
CN – Chongqing – Jin Cheng Plaza
CN – Nanjing – Xin Jie Kou Tian Shi Building
CN – Shanghai – Grand Gateway Wing Building Hua Shan Rd.
CN – Shanghai – Hai Hua Building Da Pu Qiao
CN – Shenyang – Nan Hu Hotel
CN – Tianjing – Hai Guang Carrefour
CN – Wuhan – Tong Ji Wei Xiao
DE – Hamburg – Big Banner Station
IN – Bangalore – Museum Rd.
IN – Delhi – Akshardham Delhi to Noida
IN – Mumbai – Elphinstone Bridge MT
IT – Milan – Vip Prima Pagina Via Vodice
JP – Tokyo – Fujita Mannendo
KR – Shinchon – Fidelia Building
MX – Guadalajara – Ruben Dario
MX – Mexico City – Flower Stands
MX – Monterrey – Torre Latino
TR – Instanbul – Kadikoy Fb Stadium 
TR – Instanbul – Unalan


Quick trip to the Pacific Northwest

Recently made a quick trip to the mountains just east of Seattle, WA.

Had a few opportunities for photography that’s different for me! All prints are available for purchase: or just click on any photo for more details.

I use to host my photos and handle prints etc. They are currently having a sale and offering 25% off to my readers. Here’s the link to start building your online photo gallery

Into the Forest Small Creek Walk into the Forest

I also decided to try a few Black and White Conversions as well

Into the Forest B/W Walk into the Forest Moss Covered trees

Moss Covered Trees

Rarely get a chance to capture moss covered trees!

Recently I spent a few days in the Pacific Northwest. Just east of Seattle, WA to be more specific. I’ve photographed in this area before, but have never been able to capture much that excited me. This trip was different.

Here are three images that I am pleased with. You can also view all 3 images in a Gallery at are also available there) I’m grateful for my past year experience in The Arcanum. I’ve had two incredible teachers that have help me learn this craft! I highly recommend it if you want to expand your photographic and visual art!

Into the Forest
Walk into the Forest


Small Creek

I used Adobe Lightroom CC/Adobe Photoshop CC and On1 Perfect Photo Studio 10 to edit these.

In the Moonlight at Bryce Canyon!

Before the Moonlight the Moon Rises

My last visit to Bryce Canyon was 30+ years ago as a youngster with my family. It’s been on my list for quite awhile. Our first thought was to get there and shoot the stars over Bryce Canyon. Then we actually looked at the Moon Forecast and discovered it was a day after the full moon. So we decided to go shoot the moon! 🙂 What a surreal experience. I definitely recommend any photographer visit Bryce Canyon during a full moon!

This brings up another thought that I’ve been curious about for awhile. Bryce Canyon is an under 5 hour drive from my home, can easily get there in an afternoon. It’s someplace I’ve wanted to visit for a long time and just haven’t made the effort. This trip was a spur of the moment trip that just worked. I’m interested to know how others check off their own “to do” lists?  Do you plan it? Or just go with the flow and jump when the opportunity arises?

I’ve generally been in the later group, just go with the flow and go when the opportunities arise, but I’m beginning to think I should start making a few more plans!

Onto the photos! (or view in Gallery Mode on my Sandquist Photography Page)

Here’s a capture of Moon rising over Bryce Canyon

Moonrise over Bryce Canon

Moonlight Cathedral!

Moonlight Bryce Canyon

Its interesting to see the stars and jet trails and the full moon light on the rocks!

Bryce Glow