Author: Douglas
Published: January 10, 2017
This post concludes my series from the Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon. The first image Floating Ice and the second image Ice Reflections.
This series allowed me to reflect a bit! I guess there’s something about the blue reflecting glow on the glasslike water.
As a parent of grade school children, I do wonder about the future. Specifically, the types of careers available ten years from now?
Automation through robots and artificial intelligence are here. Jobs are vanishing before our eyes. Making a living as a delivery driver will soon become extinct through driverless trucks. Making a living in the new future will be far different than now!
So the question is how people will make a living in the future?
I know there are smarter people than me trying to figure this out, but what used to be a far off thought experiment is rapidly becoming a reality. I suppose it’s never a bad to reflect on the hard questions in life!
Author: Douglas
Published: January 9, 2017
More Reflections at Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon
As I wrote recently here about the calm water at the lagoon on my summer visit, this is another image that captures the glassy water and iceberg reflections!
I like the blue hues and tones and imagine floating through the ‘bergs on a paddleboard!
I have been to the Glacier Lagoon a few times in the past few years and have heard of people paddle boarding around the icebergs, but have never seen anyone doing it. ArcticSurfers do paddleboard tours at the Glacier Lagoon! I don’t have any experience with ArcticSurfers but their info page on their website looks legitimate. If anyone has tried PaddleBoarding at the Glacier Lagoon I’d love to hear a first-hand experience! Thanks!
Author: Douglas
Published: January 9, 2017
Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon

Something soothing about these large chunks of glacier ice that are floating through the lagoon out to the ocean.
This was one of the few times I’ve been to the lagoon with almost no wind. Long exposures are difficult here as the ice chunks flow. Long exposures are a great way to create glassy water. The challenge here is that the ice flows through the lagoon, therefore a long exposure will lead to blurred ice too!
This ice is also glacier ice, therefore it’s thousands of years old!
Thanks for following along!
Author: Douglas
Published: January 8, 2017
Beautiful Antelope Canyon
Buy this print here – View Full Screen Size HERE – View Arizona/Utah2016 Gallery HERE
I keep going back to my Antelope Canyon images and keep discovering images that are interesting to me! This is one that I stumbled on recently. The texture, the light, the colors are pretty neat here!
The Society6 15% off and free shipping promotion ends tonight at midnight! Here’s the link to my Society6 Storefront for Prints, iPhone/iPad/Smartphone Cases and more
Author: Douglas
Published: January 2, 2017
From Lower Antelope Canyon
Lower Antelope Canyon
The textures and colors in a slot canyon are amazing! I just loved the colors from purple to orange. Click on the image for a larger version!
I have used this image for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Macbook Cases, framed prints and more over on my storefront on and through January 8, 2017 they are offering 15% off and free shipping! I think the iPhone cases are pretty cool!
It’s also available at
So, I guess I missed the memo that today was a holiday! So I went to work! I was struck by how quiet the roads were, I was shocked at how busy the grocery store was on the way home! It was like nobody had been home in two weeks and needed food!
Also, my sister Wendy Retzer, just blogged about a pretty cool webinar called Miracle Zone 2017 check it out!
Author: Douglas
Published: January 1, 2017
January 1, 2017 Let’s go!
This image is a favorite from 2016 sunrise at Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park. You can see a full-screen version and print options here.
As the New Year begins, I have also started a Storefront on There you can get iPhone, iPad/iPod, Laptop cases, prints, tapestries, leggings and more! Like this Puffin iPhone Case. Or this Hoodoo Love iPhone Case. Here’s a link to all the Sandquist Photography iPhone Cases.
I’ve never been much of a resolution guy, but I do set goals and intentions.
I intend to keep expanding my photography, keep learning and growing
I intend to keep growing personally and professionally
I can’t wait to see what fun the year is going to be!
Bring it on!
Author: Douglas
Published: December 11, 2016
Definitely wonder how nature does this!
Delicate Fins at Little Finland
In a previous post, I posted some night photography images from Little Finland. In this post, I’ll share some images of delicate fins in the daylight! It’s a location I hope to return so I can capture more of the delicate fins!
Here’s a link to the full gallery: Photos from Little Finland. Prints are available at that link or by contacting me directly, either leave a comment below or connect via my Facebook Page
I call this Desert Minefield

I stumbled across this area and was intrigued by how this occurred. I still wonder how it happened!
This reminded me of a jet taking off or hood ornament!
Here’s a pre-dawn version of the Raptor!
Thanks for reading along this far and thanks for following along all these years! Be sure to sign up for the email list to stay up to date with the latest posts!
Author: Douglas
Published: December 11, 2016
My favorite Images from this year’s adventures to Iceland and Greenland
Your own personal copy is available for purchase through Blurb! Click on the image above or here
Author: Douglas
Published: December 10, 2016
Astrophotography at Little Finland, NV
Had the opportunity to spend some time in this remote section of Southern Nevada. I’m not sure I’ve seen such delicate fins of sandstone anywhere. We were there on a cloudless night which allowed for experimentation in astrophotography.
I’ve created a Little Finland Photo Gallery where you can find larger versions. Prints are also available there or by contacting me directly.
Here’s a partial view of the Milky Way! The Galactic center had already set to the west this time of the year, but this was still fun to see and photograph.

I think this looks like a Raptor, what say you? We experimented with light painting on the Raptor! Light Painting is something that I hope to continue to work on! It’s more challenging than I had thought it would be. Shooting long exposures to capture the stars means you don’t need a lot of light on the rocks. A little glow will do!
These fins were impressive! I’d love to hear some ideas on what these look like! We did some light painting here as well,
Here’s our campsite under the Milky Way!
Author: Douglas
Published: October 16, 2016
Big Vista- Canyonlands National Park
I have started a new Arizona/Utah Gallery on, and this image resides there as well!
This is the view from the Green River Overlook in Canyonlands National Park, near Moab, UT. The vista is incredible, and the drop off seems like a few hundred feet! An interesting study of erosion and the power of water.
On occasion, I get asked if I sell prints. I do sell prints! I sell them in three ways. One is through my Photo Site at I also sell a few select prints in Lumachrome. Lumachrome prints are a metallic print overlayed with archival acrylic, and I do print smaller sizes myself. Feel free to contact me at ddsand at the at with the @) for any and all print questions!
I am currently offering a 30% off discount coupon on my site for subscribers of my email list! One can sign up using the form in the upper right.