San Francisco Panorama Day 294

iOS Panorama

Spent the day walking the Streets of San Francisco. 🙂

Found this spot as we walked from the bottom of curvy Lombard St towards Pier 39. I used the Panorama in the iOS 6 camera. I’m quite pleased with the results. I’ve found that it’s necessary to try your best to keep the arrow on the line and not move too fast. It was a bit of a gray day but the colors of the buildings still pop.

Have you used the iPhone Panorama with success?

Moon over San Francisco Day 292

I took this on the patio of my sister in law’s house in San Francisco. It’s a bit noisy due to time I took this and I decided to use my iPhone 4s instead of my regular camera. For some reason this one came out better than all the ones I took my with Canon 5d. I edited it in the Camera Awesome App and in Nik Software HDR Efex Pro 2.

So Multivitamins Do Lower Cancer Risk….

“Daily use of a common multivitamin modestly reduced the risk for cancer in a long-term study of nearly 15,000 men..” According to researchers. This large study of 15,000 men that have been followed for 11.2 years. I believe this is the first time a study of this kind as led to this result. In general there was an 8% reduction in risk. 

Adding a multivitamin as part of an overall nutrition plan appears to have benefit.

This is good. 

The next question is do higher quality supplements provide more benefit? 

Is more better? Is a broader multi more beneficial? 


Photo a Day 290-Bats

For today’s photo I decided to use the various Halloween decorations that can easily be found around our house. I found these glow in the dark bats and had a bit of fun. I converted it to Black and White, which turned my dining room table into a black background. I like the effect. I like the bats!


Last Hint of Light to the West at 30,000ft!

This was a quick snap with my iPhone out the airplane window. The winglet is a bit blurry, but the glow on the horizon is neat.

Photo a Day 289/366

Just got back from a weekend trip where I helped mentored a course. It was the first time I traveled with just an iPhone and an iPad. Left the Laptop at home.

I was a bit worried I’d miss having a larger machine to work with. Never missed it. In fact I loved the fact that going through security was easier and not having to worry about the weight was nice as well.

I think the only issue would be inability to find a reliable wifi source. My hotel offered in room wifi  and Spear Education offered wifi to their students so I was fine either way. If I traveled lots I would consider adding a hotspot to my iPhone plan and then I could piggy back the iPad off iPhone. Right now, I think I can do without it.

I did miss having my larger camera with me a few times, but I also enjoy challenging myself to get interesting photos with an iPhone.

On mentoring

This was my first time ever helping out in this way. I really enjoyed it. It’s amazing how much you learn when you have to answer questions and teach it as well. I hope to do it again in the near future as well.

Pumpkins at the Market

Pumpkins-harvest time
After being’s class all day it was nice to head out to a local market to pick up some dinner. Found these pumpkins on display. I really like the texture and liked the sepia toning.
Photo a Day 288/366


Cool Shadows

Cool Shadows
Day 287 of photo a day 366!
Found these cool shadows behind this iron works. Taken with an iPhone 4s and edited in the Camera Awesome app.


Palms Against the Clouds

Palms and Clouds
Day 286 of 366
After a day or two of storms. The receding clouds created an interesting background for these palm trees in the early morning light. I continue to be impressed with the iPhone 4S camera. I've heard of some issues with the iPhone 5 camera. I'm not eligible for an upgrade so I haven't been able to test that out yet.