Author: Douglas
Published: January 24, 2014
Strange day today. My wife’s car literally died today 10 minutes after I holes out for eagle from 130 yards so I had to leave my round to get her car figured out.
All is finally figured out and this is the only photo I took all day and I’m too tired to go find another.
via Photo a Day-2014
Author: Douglas
Published: January 23, 2014
Tiny Mandarin
Liked the textures on this juicy Mandarin…

Author: Douglas
Published: January 23, 2014
Tiny Daffodils
The Daffodils are still blooming!

White Daffodils
I used the overhead halogen kitchen light so I had to adjust the white balance to correct the colors. I also edited it in
Perfect Photo Effects 8. Primarily used the Dynamic Contrast and Sunshine effects.
Author: Douglas
Published: January 21, 2014
Tulip Hanging Around
The Tulips from a few days ago are still hanging around… Probably be the last day though…I enjoy all the Tulip stages.

Wilting Tulip
Author: Douglas
Published: January 20, 2014
J’s Daffodil Bulb is Blooming
I didn’t note what type of bulb this was when we planted it, but i do believe it’s a Daffodil… It took about 3 weeks to bloom.

J’s Daffodil Blossoms
I believe my daughter found this bulb at Trader Joe’s at the beginning of the year. It came with the bulb and it’s own soil…. We added water to the dried soil and then planted the bulb and kept it in the window. It just bloomed today.
Author: Douglas
Published: January 19, 2014
Morning Grin
Beautiful light this morning as the kids went out to ride their bikes!

Caught my son giving me a great smile.
Edited with Aperture and Perfect Photo Effects 8. I added a bit of Dynamic Contrast and a layer of Sunshine Glow.
I was watching The Grid on the other day about photography and they were answering a question of how to be a better photographer in 2014. One of their suggestions was to not partake in a project365 or a daily photo project. The primary reason for not recommending taking a photo each day is that it leads to quick snaps of something mundane to keep the project going. They recommend that photographers work on specific projects, i.e. learn something new and go deep into that, or take the next 30 days and make 5 new photos to replace old photos in your portfolio and there are a few other recommendations. This all makes sense and something I agree with.
I’m currently in my 4th year of taking a photo every day, or project365. This clip got me thinking about why I take a photo a day.
- It makes me pick up my camera even when I don’t want to
- I take far more photos of my kids and family
- It makes vacations more fun
- I buy more flowers
- I’m urged to learn new things(techniques, software, etc.)
- I get inspired seeing others in the various daily photo communities each day
- It forces me to take a few minutes each day and create(and yes some days I end up with nothing)
- By having to post everyday I have to finish and publish. I can’t hem and haw.
- I can see something creative or unique out of the mundane?
I agree with them regarding a daily photo project. A daily photo project will probably not on it’s own dramatically change your photography. There are plenty of other ways to do that. If your looking to try and learn new photography techniques, take more photos and challenge yourself, then I think there is value is committing to a daily photo project. Some of us need a commitment to something like a daily photo project.
It’s always fun to sit back and reflect why your doing something and if there is still value in it.
Author: Douglas
Published: January 18, 2014
T-65 X-Wing Starfighter
My son wanted his X-Wing star fighter as the picture today… we we went outside to take pictures! I debated trying to turn the pavers black to look like space, but will have to dabble with that another day.

Lego X-wing Starfighter
via Photo a Day-2014
Author: Douglas
Published: January 17, 2014
J’s Colored Water
At school my daughter’s class did an experiment with colored water. I think she was trying to see how the colors changed the clear glasses were side by side and the light shown through one to the other. So J had to setup the same experiment in our backyard with Mom’s help

Having with Colors
Author: Douglas
Published: January 16, 2014
Tulip Glow
Still having fun with the Tulps..

Tulip Glow
Edited with Aperture and Niks HDR Efex Pro
Author: Douglas
Published: January 15, 2014
Fun with Tulips
Having more fun with the tulips.

My daughter jumped on my lap when I was editing this image. I was seeing a more desaturated image, but she said “Daddy those tulips aren’t purple, they are orange.” So I decided to let her edit this to what she liked! I liked it too!