And it’s leaves are surprisingly sharp! I accidentally bumped into them!Day 341 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013
I was recently reminded that Colonoscopies are important. Just got word that a friend of mine had been diagnosed with Colon Cancer in his early forties. If you’re 40 it’s a good idea to go find a GI doc you trust and have the discussion about your colonoscopy.
I’ll never forget the discussion I had with my GI doc about 4 years ago. We discussed my symptoms and discussed some tests that made sense. He mentioned that a colonoscopy would be a good idea to rule out cancer. I hadn’t even thought of that. That sent chills up my spine. I can’t imagine the feeling of hearing a cancer diagnosis. I pray that my friend can find peace and comfort, to survive the rigors of cancer therapy. His life is forever changed.
Colon cancer is one of the few cancers that can be diagnosed and treated during the same procedure if found early enough.
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Great post, Dr. Sandquist! I did not know that colon cancer has the possibility of being treated at the same time as a colonoscopy.
Thanks for the comment! Yes, it’s kind of like catching a skin cancer early enough, the biopsy(removal of the tissue) will can remove the whole cancerous lesion if caught when it’s small enough.