Does it Matter Who’s in Charge of your Social Media?

With the advent of Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, MySpace, YouTube and the many others, the web landscape has changed. Your website or blog can now get traffic from these sources as well as the search engines. Social media is a great way to connect with others, they may be current customers, or potential customers, or customers that you have already lost. It’s rare that Social Media is successful when outsourced or just implemented. A Facebook fan page with not content and no fans is well just a page lost in space. A Twitter account with no followers, no updates and following no one is a waste of space on a server. Social Media requires people to be sociable, which means its a two way street.
Should a dentist join the Social Media world and lead his/her practice into this world? Are you adding to the discussion? Learning from others? Can a dentist expect the staff to carry the Social Media torch? Will the staff get involved if the boss is Twittering? Will the office Facebook page get updated if the boss isn’t checking it out too? Do patients want to engage their dentists via Twitter or Facebook?

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  • Wendy May 4, 2009 @ 10:18

    I am only interested in interacting with a health provider if I knew that the dentist or physician who was on twitter were actually doing the tweet and not someone else in the office tweeting for the dentist or doctor.

  • Doug S May 4, 2009 @ 11:14

    Are you interested in this type of access answers to your health questions, or just to develop a relationship in a different way?