It’s not a one way street.

Social Media is an incredible tool to get your message out, but it’s a two way street. If you treat Social Media like a glorified email list or a megaphone, your missing the opportunity to engage with your followers. I’ve seen a few jump on the Social Media bandwagon, start blogging, Twitter and working with Facebook. Only to find out that they are not engaged in the process. It’s just a stream of info out, but replies fall on deaf ears. This approach often works, but a larger opportunity is missed. The opportunity to build relationships in exciting new ways. Just like a hand written Thank You card matters a quick response through Twitter or FB is a powerful tool to build your brand.

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  • hansonharmonies Apr 11, 2010 @ 10:40

    Good point Doug. I’m finding that many people are very interested in broadcasting things about themselves and don’t care much wether anyone responds. There will be a chapter on this in the communications book that Chris and I are writing. It only takes a little time to show genuine interest in what people are doing in their lives. It’s a very low percentage of people who care enough to even show interest.

    I’ve been amazed, especially with Facebook, how many people that I’ve been able to re-connect with on a genuine communicative level. It has far exceeded my expectations, especially when comparing Facebook to MySpace. I am also baffled at times by the lack of response to certain items that I think will draw more interest, and only get one response. Someone recently said, put a picture of a dog, and people will check it out. Go figure.

    • Doug S Apr 11, 2010 @ 21:51

      I’m amazed at how little interest back is required to make us all fell better..