Yesterday I finished my second Photo a day project(Project365). Back in 2005 I took a picture a day for 16 months(Link to that gallery: Finally stopping a few months after the birth of my son. The challenges of parenting for the first time led me in a different direction. Last New Years day 2011 at the spur of the moment I decided to try a 365 project again. I had been storing photos on Smugmug and decided to use my Smugmug account for my second try. Smugmug is a great place to store your photos, a great family company with unlimited storage for your photos at a reasonable price, plus you can sell your photos if you choose to do so. Here’s a link for a few bucks off your Smugmug Subscription. Smugmug has communities, some active and some not so active, I found the Daily Photo community to be quite active and supportive through the year. Some people in that community are posting photos daily some are actively taking a new photo a day…I prefer to store the images on Smugmug because I pay for it, I believe they care about my photos, when you store you photos on a social network, if that network falls apart or shuts down you photos may go with them. So I mainly post to Smugmug then cross post to my various networks.
Half way through my year Google launched Google+. Google+ is a great place for photographers. There are project365 groups and theme photo days which can be helpful finding something to shoot and a great way to meet other photographers. You can find me on Google+ at Google+ is a great place to store photos as well, it mainly piggy backs into Google Picasa Photo storage system. What I store in Picasa, I also store in Smugmug.
So here are some tips that I found helpful during the year.
1. Include your kids or family. My kids really enjoyed getting involved helping to set up shots with their toys etc…
2. Find a community of fellow Photo a Day photographers, i.e. Smugmug’s Daily Photo community or Google+‘s variety of circles. Share your work in those communities and on Facebook and Twitter!
3. Buy flowers regularly.
4. Have your camera with you around sunset! Often the clouds or sky are enough to capture something interesting
5. Carry a camera with your wherever you go! I used my iPhone for about 15 shots out of my 365.
6. Let Post Processing be your friend. Black and white images can be a great save for late at night shots of your kids toys.
7. Take walks
8. It’s your art, somedays you’ll like it, somedays you won’t, it’s ok… move on.
9. I found it helpful to make separate monthly galleries as the year moved on. I could celebrate the end of a month and move on to the next. I made video slideshows using Animoto of most months.
10. Make prints of your favorite shots through the year. Celebrate your work!
Happy New Year 2012!