Wow! I’m not prepared to describe what having a photo of yours chosen for an ad campaign of this size feels like yet. Every photographer loves to see their work printed big but I had never imagined one of my images on the side buildings! I don’t have the words yet!
I have started to get a few billboard photos from LA, Hamburg and Bangalore, India that are in this post! So here goes and thanks for looking! The Dallas billboard was in my previous update!
(Note if you happen to see a photo of a billboard already take, please still send your photo I’d love to see every photo taken!)
Also, there are 25 billboards that I’m aware of, but apparently there are smaller installations all around the country that I’m not aware of, so I’d love to see those too! Like these images from the NYC Subway(courtesy of my good friend Stephen Shadrach, somebody get him an iPhone! 🙂 ) :

My good friend Bernie Villadiego D.D.S headed to LA and was able to capture the two LA locations. He took two quick videos and a few still shots!
Sunset and Vine
Here’s a few stills:
Heres a video from from the Westwood and Pico Locations in Los Angeles, CA!
And here are a few stills that are amazing at night!

A long time friend was taking her kids to the beach and snapped these photos during the day!

I also got a few stills from a train station in Hamburg, DE. These are stunning with the backlit display!

Lastly for today the best shot of this update is from Bangalore, India(thanks to fellow Shot on iPhone photographer Harsha PJ: