Three Trees

Photo a Day 341/366

Liked the way these fun little trees looked in front of the lights!

Shimmering Lights on the Tree!

Fun closeup with a few Bokeh for Photo a  Day 340/366

I’ve really enjoyed taking photos of our tree this year. Fun to play with the lights and textures. Creating fun Bokeh as well! 

A Wreath of Bells

More Bokeh Fun!

Bells for photo a day 339/366

It’s great around holiday time to find new items to photograph. I especially like using the lights of the Christmas tree as a background. I liked the shininess of this image.

Who Knew Kraut Could Be This Good!

I never really liked Kraut as a kid, but since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease I’ve looked to Fermented Foods for their health benefits. Things like KimChi, Kefir, yogurt and Krauts. I’ve finally found something that I really like!

It’s Farmhouse Culture Smoked Jalapeño Kraut. I get it at Whole Foods but you can order it from their website.

Highly recommend as a spicy addition to well almost anything! Ok maybe not ice cream, but you get the idea!

Spaceship in my House!

A Spaceship for Photo a Day 338/366

Got home this evening and was greeted by an eagerly waiting 7 year old wanting help building his spaceship! The instructions said two adults needed to put together… I’m thinking another adult would have been helpful as well! And it’s just putting some cardboard together. Even with the frustration of putting it together it was fun watching the kids have a great time once it was all put together! If you have little ones at home you to can have spaceship in your living room. Here’s a link to get one for yourself: Discovery Kids 5 Ft Color Me Rocket Ship.

And thanks for using my Amazon link when you’re shopping!

Bokeh from the Christmas Tree!

Spent past few days getting our tree up and ready for the holiday season. Once the tree is up I enjoy using the lights in my photos…. I started taking pictures of our tree and started messing around with the manual focus with the lights and liked the blobs of light, “Bokeh”! It’s artsy and I like it!

Photo a Day 337/366

Purchase this Photo!

Apple Aperture and Perfect Photo Effects 4 to edit.

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Cloudy day!

Photo a day 335/366

Took this image this morning as the sun was just hiding behind the clouds. Taken with the Camera Awesome App on an iPhone 4s, edited in both Camera Awesome and Snapseed.

Is Organic Food More Nutritious? I’m not sure…

Is Organic Produce More Nutritious Than Non-Organic Produce?

It’s an interesting question I’ve been considering lately as I’ve moved towards purchasing more organically grown groceries. So I decided to look into some research. Here’s a review of Organic Foods from the Mayo Clinic:

Organic food: Is it more nutritious?

The answer isn’t yet clear. A recent study examined the past 50 years’ worth of scientific articles about the nutrient content of organic and conventional foods. The researchers concluded that organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs are comparable in their nutrient content. Research in this area is ongoing.

Here’s another review of the literature regarding the nutrition of Organic foods:

Conclusions: On the basis of a systematic review of studies of satisfactory quality, there is no evidence of a difference in nutrient quality between organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs. The small differences in nutrient content detected are biologically plausible and mostly relate to differences in production methods.

I personally try to purchase Organic items when I can. For my family its knowing were eating less bad stuff.

Less pesticide, less genetic modification, less herbicides and in general less chemistry.

I also realize that the Organic food supply has problems as well. Things like pollution, cross-breeding of GMO seeds with non-GMO crops, and nutrient poor soils mean that Organic foods aren’t as wholesome as they are marketed to me. I also believe there are lots of non-organic foods that are perfectly fine in comparison to organic foods. Have the seeds been genetically modified? Can the pesticide to washed or cut off?

I’m not convinced that Organic foods have more nutrients though, there just isn’t any evidence of that to be true.

I feel it’s healthier to eat organic, just not necessarily more nutritious.

What about you? Do you buy Organic foods? If so, Why?