Tulips in the Sunlight Day 46 of 365

Photo a day 46/365

It always amazes me how the camera sees things so much differently than human eyes. I noticed the light hitting these tulips and really wanted to capture it… I tried and tried to capture what my eyes were seeing, to no avail. Even  though it’s not what my eye saw I still like the image. The camera is far less forgiving than human eyes.


Day 46 in 2012:

Day 46 in 2011:

Red Heart Tights Day 45 of 365

Photo a Day 45 of 365

My daughter wore her Valentine Hearts on Valentines day and didn’t want to take them off! I think they’re cute!

Day 45 in 2012:

Day 45 in 2011:

Hearts, Shapes and Cookies Day 44 of 365

Photo  a Day 44 of 365

My kids had fun with Grammy decorating sugar cookies and making cut out hearts! Here’s an example of their efforts.  Anyone else remember making treats with Grammy? I know I sure do….

Day 44 in 2012:

Day 44 from 2011:

D’Anjou Pears day 43 of 365

Photo a day 43 of 365

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I improvised a bit for this image and placed these cool red d’anjou pears under a large soft box attached by my Alien Bees strobe. My kids usually have some sort of white poster board around for various project, but I was unable to find a clean piece of poster board I used the floor. I liked how the floor added texture and depth to the final image.

Processing consisted of slight levels adjustment in Aperture. I then imported the image into Perfect Photo Effects 4 from OnOneSoftware and applied the Daily Vitamin filter at 60% and then added Grunge Vignette Dark. Then exported back into Aperture for some final dodge and burn for the final image.

Day 43 in 2012:

Day 43 of 2011:

Fuzzy Tulips Day 42

Photo a day 42 of 365

Yes, its noisy intentionally. I took this image with my iPhone and edited it with Smugmug’s Camera Awesome app.  I liked the feel of the fuzz on the tulips!

Day 42 in 2012:

Day 42 in 2011:

A Passenger Terminal on the Sandquist Railway

Slowly starting to get some structures put together and some lighting features. Here’s a photo of the lower terminal. Each of the small lights on in the terminal were hand soldered into place. 

another view which provides better context for its size as those are O Gauge cars next to it:

Here’s a neat view of our Atlas O Roundhouse:

And here’s a view of the classic Lionel SantaFe Diesel:

Red Rocks at Calico Basin Day 41 of 365

Photo a Day 41 Red Rocks at Calico Basin

This is at Red Springs in Calico Basin. It’s about 20 minutes from my house. It’s a great place for a picnic and a nice afternoon hike. The rocks are incredible. 

This is a 3 image HDR handheld, I’m far too lazy to lug a tripod around, even though I should. Processed in Aperture, Nik’s HDR Efex’s 2.0,  Perfect Photo Effects 4.0 and Nik’s DFine 2.0 

Purchase this Print

Day 41 from 2012:

Day 41 from 2011:

Joshua Tree Shadows Photo a Day 40

Photo a Day 40 Joshua Tree Shadows

Prints are available for purchase through my Smugmug site

Was out trying to capture a few snow capped peaks and realized I was too far away from capturing anything worthwhile and as I turned around to get back in my car I noticed the shadows and clouds behind me… This is what I came up with. This is a 3 shot handheld HDR image processed in Niks HDR Efex’s 2.0, Aperture and Perfect Photo B&W 1.0

Day 40 from 2012:

Day 40 from 2011:

The Storm is Coming! Photo a day 39

Photo a day 39 of 365

This is out just passed the RedRock Canyon Visitors center. It’s about a 20 minute drive from my house and a place I need to get back to more. I was interested in the way the clouds from the storm kept billowing up. The snow was being carried by a strong wind, so it was quite cold. 

I’ve uploaded a few other photos from today in my Landscape Gallery at http://www.sandquistphotography.com 

Interested in a Print of this image? Purchase it here!

Edited in Aperture and Nik’s HDR Efex’s 2.0 and Perfect Photo Effects 4 

Day 39 from 2012:

Day 39 of 2011: