Burro in the Outfield

At my son’s baseball practice tonight I looked up and noticed a wild burro cruising through the outfield. All I had was my iPhone so this is the best I could do as I didn’t want to get too close.

Day 249 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-WKh9HzF/

Yellow Roses

Long day, very little time for photos, but I found this bunch of roses in the kitchen sink!

Day 248 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-3ZJ5j4p/

Three Onions

Found these three yellow onions on the dining room table…

Day 247 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-v7SnkqN/

Brownie Cupcakes

Played around in the Kitchen. These are Gluten Free and Dairy Free Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes. I messed up the recipe a bit and forgot to add any oil/fat, so I drizzled a bit of light olive oil on the top before I baked them which is why there are little holes in the top! I probably could have just left it out as they were delicious without it. I hope to give these guys another try and take better notes so that I can write it up!

Day 245 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-SCnpMg7/

J Getting Ready for Tennis

I’m not sure my daughter really likes her Tennis Lessons…

Day 244 0f 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-QF7kkWJ/

Getting Rid of GMO’s at the Cash Register

Dr. Mercola has an interesting article about the Tipping Point Against Genetically Modified Foods(or Organisms)-

Sweet Corn

How Genetically Modifed Foods Will Be Eradicated.

It has nothing to do with politics or the Government but how each one of us chooses to eat. This statistic from Whole Foods is interesting:

The tipping point of consumer rejection of genetically engineered foods in the US is almost here. Last year, the president of Whole Foods confessed that when a product becomes verified as Non-GMO or GMO-free, sales leap by 15-30 percent—a clear outgrowth of the Prop.37 campaign

When foods are labeled Non-GMO or GMO-Free sales go up! I know this is the case for me and my family. If there is an item labeled Non-GMO vs a product that doesn’t have the label I’ll pick the Non-GMO labeld version. If enough consumers choose real food, Non-GMO foods then consumers help the farmers now what seeds to use, the seeds that sell at the register!

Do you look for Non-GMO products at the grocery store?

Rain Drops on the Leaves

Living in the desert we don’t get too many rain showers, so when we do, it’s fun to head out and try to capture the drops!

Day 243 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-chZsCNG/
I had so much fun with the raindrops that I kept shooting! Here are some other favorite rain drop captures:
The drops above looked like Diamonds!

Really liked how these rain drops sat on these waxy leaves!

Do you have a favorite?

Wispy Clouds over Little League Practice

We just missed a few thunderstorms passing by that left some nice clouds over the practice field tonight.

Day 242 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-zgkF8h5/


I found this fun ball that starts blinking when it bounces… So I bounced in and got it blinking and had fun photographing it.. This was a favorite.

Day 241 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-rNDFnsc/