The Christmas season provides unique items to photograph. The snowball lights that are in the foreground seem like a fun light source, so far I’m not satisfied with my results so far…. There was lot of light wash from other lights around, so i’m sure that’ didn’t help. When the white balance goes crazy I move towards thinking about sepia and B&W conversion, which is what I decided to do here.
Here’s the initial raw file:
ISO 1000 F/2.8 1/20 .33ev
Initial edits:
White Balance: Temperature (3148.59)
Enhance: Contrast(0.06), Saturation(1.07)
Sharpen: Default(i’m not exactly sure what default is, I’ll try and remember next time)
Vignette: Gamma,Intensity(0.60), Radius (0.50)
Here’s file after initial edits:
So I decided to see what some effects in Perfect Photo Suite would do
I chose a Warm Gray Violet Effect added to a new layer at 80%. For some reason I’m stuck on 80% opacity lately, I find
the hint of color interesting I suppose.
Here’s the final image: