Before the Moonlight the Moon Rises
My last visit to Bryce Canyon was 30+ years ago as a youngster with my family. It’s been on my list for quite awhile. Our first thought was to get there and shoot the stars over Bryce Canyon. Then we actually looked at the Moon Forecast and discovered it was a day after the full moon. So we decided to go shoot the moon! 🙂 What a surreal experience. I definitely recommend any photographer visit Bryce Canyon during a full moon!
This brings up another thought that I’ve been curious about for awhile. Bryce Canyon is an under 5 hour drive from my home, can easily get there in an afternoon. It’s someplace I’ve wanted to visit for a long time and just haven’t made the effort. This trip was a spur of the moment trip that just worked. I’m interested to know how others check off their own “to do” lists? Do you plan it? Or just go with the flow and jump when the opportunity arises?
I’ve generally been in the later group, just go with the flow and go when the opportunities arise, but I’m beginning to think I should start making a few more plans!
Onto the photos! (or view in Gallery Mode on my Sandquist Photography Page)
Here’s a capture of Moon rising over Bryce Canyon

Moonlight Cathedral!

Its interesting to see the stars and jet trails and the full moon light on the rocks!