While playing frisbee with my daughter I noticed the light in the backyard and decided to practice with sun flares… This was a favorite. I have some more work to do to get it all figured out, but it was fun messing around!
Day 356 of 365

via Photo a Day-2013 http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Photo-a-Day-2013/i-CrVv66X/
This is also my first post with my new camera! I posted a photo of the box of my Canon 5D Mark iii. To which led to a few comments about the brand of camera I chose. The on going Nikon/Canon battle lives on and I just take pictures.
I dabbled in photography back in the film days, but it wasn’t until digital photography that I started investing in a system. That was in 2004, and in 2004 I had two systems to choose from Canon or Nikon. In 2004 everything I read, it appeared that Canon was ahead of Nikon in the digital world and quite a few photographers that I liked also used Canon(and if I had waited 6 months I probably would have bought a Nikon! 🙂 ). So I bought a Canon 10d with a kit lens. I then bought a few lenses and the rest is history… As a hobbyist I’ve decided to pick a system and stick with it because I can’t afford new lenses and all the peripherals. Sure there are differences but they are mainly personal differences, both a great and will soon start to be pushed by the likes of Sony and others! I’ve bought 3 camera bodies in 10 years so I don’t plan on switching anytime soon. But the Nikon people will extoll their virtues and the Canon people will do the same, forever! This battle will probably continue on even when these companies cease to matter!
I just want to make pictures that I like to look at and guess what? Sometimes I like the pictures that my iPhone takes better!