Favorites From My 2013 Project 365

As 2013 comes to an end it’s time to sit down and choose my favorites.

This is the 3rd year in a row that I’ve completed taking a photo each day. The rules for my project are to take a photo during each 24 hour period of time and post one of them. In general I post the photo I choose on the same day I take it, but due to travel or time constraints I’ve had to play catch up on occasion. I feel like my photography has grown this year and plan to starting another project in 2014.

I’ve chosen 16 favorites this year(Favorites Gallery Here, which displays them better than here, imho). I debated editing those 16 into a smaller number, but that was too hard to choose and this is my project so I kept it at 16. All images are available for purchase by either clicking on the image below or from the gallery link above. Through 01-05-2014 i’m offering 20% off with the code: blog14 at checkout.

Also, I’d love to hear what are your favorites in the comments below!


Joshua Tree


Roses in B&B

Bones on the Beach(notes they aren’t really bones, just rocks that look like bones!)

New Shoes!

Blooming Grapes

Whiffle Ball

Smoke Plume from the Carpenter 1 Fire

Leaning Barn

Sunrise on Indian Lake

Palms in the blue sky!

Two Hearts

Brussel Sprouts

Silver Bells

Ready for Christmas

Remember I’m offering 20% off on all prints through 01/05/2014 using the code: blog14 at checkout. http://www.sandquistphotography.com/Project-365/Favorites-2013

Thanks for reading/looking this far, do you have any favorites? Let me know in the comments below!