Podcast Episode 5: Stuart Kinkade

Stuart Kinkade lives in Haiphong, Vietnam. Currently working for a Vietnamese Car company, Vinfast and Landscape and Travel photographer.

Quotes from the Episode: 

“I took the last slide rule course in College …”

“Remember riding on the Qantas to Australia and remember the piano bar and sitting in the cockpit with the pilot”

“To learn manufacturing you have to work on the floor”

“Vinfast built a factory off a seafloor in 21 months to build cars in Vietnam”

“In 1966 olds tornado, ‘I can make it to the top of Pikes Peak’ Dad bought the car so we could make it to the top of Pikes Peak.”

“I see resurgence in film cameras… large format film is coming up..

“The technical side of film gets my interest”

“Lots of activity in the undergound analog film camera and typewriters!”

“No matter where you live never change your US citizenship”

“My dad’s favorite summer job in Chicago was working at Wrigleys gum”

Pay a bit more attention to my parent and grandparents, relative to their experience and leveraged them because I have a lot of missed opportunities”

“Being able to take photos as a resident is much different than tourist in a location.”

Doug’s Discovered Biography:

Stuart has done an amazing job with his mathematical mind and the way he has figured out how to embrace his art, is inspiring.

You can follow Stuart’s Travels on his Instagram: @dashansheying