I’ve been thinking about Referrals lately. Which reminded me that I have had the book Referral Engine by John Jantsch, the Duct Tape Marketing guy, on my Kindle for around a year and barely made it past the forward. I’ve always appreciated Referrals for my business but I’ve always felt funny about asking for them. So I finally decided to read it. I have no idea what I was waiting for as it’s full of referral ideas. More importantly it’s a guide to create a referral system for your business. This passage from the book helped me view referrals in a different way and has helped me develop my referral system.
“…the key to any marketing message is to frame it as a benefit. When you are talking to an existing client, the benefit of a referral is the opportunity to help that person help a friend or raise the perceived value with a colleague. Ask yourself: How could referring your business make life better? You are not asking your clients for help—you are offering to help them get more of what they want. “
I recommend Referral Engine for any small business looking to maximize their referral system.
Flowers are always a great way to say thank you for a referral, so I share a beautiful sunflower for today’s photo.

Alright who’s mastered the art of asking for referrals? I’d love to hear some success stories in the comments below.