Day 141- Batting Practice

Caught a few captures of my son taking a few swings…
Day 142 Gardenia Bud

Had no idea my Mom had gardenia’s in her back yard… I enjoy their fragrance and know that they are a bit strong for others.
Day 143 Fun Little Daisies

These White Daisies are really cute and last forever!
Day 144 Triangle of Crayons

Had some fun with my kids art supplies
Day 145 Concrete Blocks

I have walked by this wall of concrete blocks numerous times and never attempted to photograph it, but this day I decided to see what I could do. In fact I think it would a fun class assignment for a group of photographers to just photograph the great textures here.
Day 146 Portrait with a Bicycle Helmet

My son is at the age where photos aren’t terribly easy to get, so I take what I can get!