Natural Light Portrait Practice-Picture a day #344

This is a portrait of my daughter playing in the sandbox this afternoon. She really wanted a photo of the green bucket. This photo was taken around mid-day, with the sun to the camera left and behind her head. We were under a patio cover, so there was some shade directly over us, but still quite bright to the left.
Here’s the image as Aperture processed the RAW file out of the camera:

ISO 1000 f/ 5.6 t 1/640 One of these day’s i’ll remember to adjust the ISO when I go outside!

Not bad, but there is some wash out from the bright sun. This is where I really wish I was in the habit of using the lens hood, I believe it would have helped here, but i’m not sure. So here are the edits applied in Aperture(Mac App Link):

Crop: removed a bit from the top and the right hand side
Enhance: Contrast(0.03), Vibrancy(0.03)
Levels: Auto Levels(luminance)

Those edits leave use with this image:

Which is much better, but I think it can still improve some, so into Perfect Photo Studio we go!

This is a screen grab from a first stop into Perfect Portrait:


And then a very subtle effect from the Portrait Color Boost Effect:


Here are some before and after thumbs:


A fun portrait improved in post processing.

The rest of the 343 images in my picture a day project can be found at:  my Smugmug page